Me and Aretha at the House of Blues

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Welcome 2009! (I'm not sure I like you!)

My favorite week of work is the week between Christmas and New Year's.  We are able to get so much done during this week. We come in around 9 and leave around 4.  Pretty easy week, right?  Not so this year!  Our computers were down at work for  a week and half.  When we opened back up last Monday we had no registers either and just for fun our phones went out too!  The only thing left was the electricity and I was just waiting for that hammer to come down too.  We finally got everything back up and working today and should be back on track soon!  

I had planned to share my New Year's resolutions with you on this next post, but I think that can wait until this weekend.  Hope everyone is well and had a great new year!